My house during my life Wiki

Giraffe on the savannah.

Girraffes are the tallest animals to exist, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. A giraffe's legs alone are taller than many humans—about 6 feet. These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10 miles an hour over longer distances.

Giraffes use their height to good advantage and browse on leaves and buds in treetops that few other animals can reach. Even their tounge is long-about 21 inches- which helps them pluck tasty morsels from branches. Giraffes eat most of the time and, like cows, regurgitate food and chew it as cud. A giraffe eats hundreds of pounds of leaves each week and must travel miles to find enough food.
